
Make the Most of Your FREE Listing!

The 2024 – 2025 American Aberdeen Association Breeders Directory will be published in August.  This directory will be mailed to all members, sent to prospective members and distributed at association events.  What can you do to maximize this free listing?

  1. If you haven’t paid your 2024 annual dues, pay them now.  Only paid, current members will be listed.
  2. Take a moment to check your membership details for accuracy.  If you need to update your listing, you can do so through the online portal.  Log on to your AA online account, select member details, then select membership detail and then select edit.  You can correct or update as needed then select update member.

We will download the database next week for use in the directory so it is important to take care of this quickly.

If you have questions or problems please contact Jan Effertz 701-471-0152 (cell) or [email protected].