

Committees for AAA are as follows:

∎ Presidents/Nomination/International Committee – Chairman: Darwin

Mission Statement
The American Aberdeen Presidents Committee strives to bring cohesiveness to the American Aberdeen Membership.  We do so by Regional Presidents Networking Together, Sharing Strengths, Sharing Opportunities, Discussing Goals and Adding Value to Membership. We maintain a mindset for the daily operations of respective regions along with transparency to our members.  We look forward to collectively working together in Making the American Aberdeen Association a Strong Organization for years to come.

∎ Show & Sale Committee – Chairman: Rob Fanning and Rick Dodd

∎ Bylaws, Rules and Regulations Committee – Chairman: Darwin Engelkes

Mission Statement
To oversee the maintenance of the American Aberdeen Association Bylaws and Rules so they are clear and effective in guiding the association; to recognize the need for amendment of Bylaws and rule changes to keep the association current and moving forward in a positive manner; provide interpretation of the meaning when needed.

∎ Finance and Promotion Committee – Chairman: Alan Sieverkropp

∎ Strategic Planning/Breeder’s Services/Commercial Committee – Chairman: Dr. FD McCarthy

All regional associations should have one representative and an alternate for each committee.