Cattle Registration

You can register your cattle via Online Registration or Mail In Registration. See below for instructions.

As the American Aberdeen Association begins the transition to our exciting new partnership with The National Center for Beef Excellence, we will start moving functions to our new office.

  1. The first change will be sending in DNA samples:

The last day to send DNA samples to our current Wyoming address is December 23, 2024.  After this date, hang onto your samples and send them after January 1 to:

American Aberdeen Association
PO Box 260
Kearney MO  64060


American Aberdeen Online is your online gateway for managing your cattle.
⋅ Register cattle
⋅ Transfer ownership
⋅ Update membership details
⋅ Check AI certificates
⋅ View your cattle inventory
and more all through the online portal

To register your cattle online go to the Member Login link. It is located at the upper right hand corner of this website.

*Note: Cattle must be DNA verified before you can register them. If they have not been DNA verified, go to this page for instructions:

*Before you can login for the first time to American Aberdeen Online, you will need to activate your account. Contact the Association to activate your account. Please provide your member number and the email you would like affiliated with the online account.


f you prefer to register with printable forms, download and print either the Single Animal Registration Form or the Multiple Animal Registration Form.

Use the Aberdeen Fee Schedule and Self Billing Worksheet to determine the amount owed.

Send the completed registrations form(s), the completed Fee Schedule & Self Billing Worksheet and a check or money order made payable to the AAA at the following address for processing.

American Aberdeen Association
PO Box 260
Kearney MO  64060